Creating A Shield of Love With Reiki

With all the challenges in the world today. I believe more than ever we need to protect ourselves. From Viruses, negative energy, and anyone that projects fear upon us through social media and the news. The time is now to create our own rhythm with Reiki. To attune our minds and bodies daily to the frequency we are most comfortable. Then to sustain that vibration every day and night. Creating a shield of energy to protect the body and mind. Taking away the pain by clearing our thoughts So we can create the life of our dreams.

I have enveloped my spirit with Reiki for twenty years. Learning how to open my mind, With Music, Meditation, and Reiki. Awakening my crown chakra so that when I visualize the Reiki symbols in my mind. I see a beam of light flowing through the top of my crown Chakra. I immediately feel a peaceful healing energy flow through my body. Awakening my mind, I can expand or retract my energy on command. Sharing while receiving the unlimited love energy from the universe inside and surrounding me. With every breath that I take the energy builds inside. . Until the energy inside me, Surrounds me. Creating a shield of energy to protect me.

I Create A Shield of Love every morning before my feet hit the floor. By putting my hands on my heart, sending myself some love. Expanding my energy outside of my body to protect me. Reiki has given me the tools and knowledge. Which I practice daily during my self-healing sessions for me or for my clients. I am here to share with you what I believe can help you create the life of your dreams. DIamLove

Reiki = The Friend You Need

My relationship with Reiki, Is like having a best friend made only of energy. I have been teaching while receiving Reiki for self-Healing and Transformation for over twenty years. I am a Reiki Master on a quest every day to vibrate at my own unique frequency with the love of the universe inside my body to heal my Mind, My Heart, My Soul, and My Spirit upon request.

During my morning meditation. I visualize over and over in my mind the symbols, Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki, and Han-She-Ze-Sho-Nen. Until I can feel the love flowing through my heart. Connecting me to the Universe’s unlimited love energy. Always inside me, Always surrounding me, and always loving me unconditionally.

My first thought in the morning and the last thought at night, Is to put my hands on my heart and to send myself love. Giving me a chance to understand myself a little bit more every day and every night. Helping me to evolve through my challenges, with peace and balance. Supported by my best friend made of energy, Thanks Reiki.

I wrote a song called ” The Friend You Need” To remind myself. Who I want to be, Creating how I feel. I want to thank all of the friends in my life that helped me to understand. How important it is to always surround myself with unconditional love. I will always be, The Friend you need. DIamLove

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