Pressure Point Reiki

I have been developing a pressure point for 15 years. Working on family friends and clients. The results have been extraordinary. I use pressure point Reiki on myself every day. “In the morning before my feet hit the floor, I put my hands on my heart and end myself some love.” I hold every pressure point for at least 15 seconds chanting the symbol CHO-KU-REI, Over and over in my mind.  I breath love into my heart moving energy throughout my body with my breath. In my experience using pressure points with Reiki enhances the experience, Releasing toxins from the body mind and spirit, Effects the physical and emotional energies of the body at the same time.

Essential oils and reiki a perfect match

Darin and Jean

Do it for yourself first

Darin and I have been using essential oils at home since we started living together. My favorite go-to neighbor Jenn, showed me how to burn sage to clear toxic energy from my apartment. Jenn ‘s MA at Kaiser and mom and wife, she is a salt of the earth type. She has been showing different things to use essential oils since I moved In. Then I became a home health care worker and Sushila, sharp as a tack, she lived in India for decades, everything in triple clean, As she has 3Heps and diabetes. These two wise women started teaching and enlighting me how our bodies and essentials oils works. The trifecta was when my old friend Kristina contacted me on facebook, she is a wellness advocate for Doterra. Sold. No idea how much there was to learn. Darin and both love helping people, he is teaching me Reiki and I’m showing him which oils go with which person. As a person who sees the best in everyone, Doterra was a perfect fit. Essential oils can improve everyone life it touches. Since touch is so important to what we do.  Get answers to your questions about essential oils and doterra

Signing up with Doterra

.Doterra is also a wonderful company with all it does for the world. They have many wonderful charities help families across the globe. They build clinics and schools in the communities that harvest and diffuse each oil. I work for myself in general, so once again, building a team of wonderful people that I can pick is also very gratifying. I love how much I earn that I can share with others. I encourage everyone who wants to use to join Doterra, the workshops and empowering success workshops are priceless. I can watch the youtube videos and not feel pressured to sell. There are team building videos for sure, but Doterra lets everyone learn as they go. They also have such a great loyalty rewards program that gives, almost the same amount of what you paid for back in points that can buy everything already at a 25% discount. Then they make kits of similar items at another discounted. I can’t say enough about the joy I feel every time I use or share essential oils with my family and friends. This is like the perfect hobby for my brain. I have the power to empower everyone I meet. Bonus. I have a few people close to me who need some empowering. I have just the team for you Darin And Jean.



I believe visualization through Reiki has been the greatest tool for my own self-healing. Different challenges happen in our lives that are unexpected. Having the knowledge of Reiki visualization has helped me in every aspect of my life. When I was a young boy something traumatic happened. My sub-conscience would block out the experience trying to protect myself. Visualizing the long distance healing symbol HAN-SHO-ZE-SHO-NEN. Then surrounding the emotions of the experience with the Reiki energy. Synergetically shifting the feeling in my body from the challenging experience. Releasing the pain that I held within my mind impacting my body for so many years. I spend time visualizing every day of my life. The day I put Reiki and visualization together my whole life changed. Darin Hemingway-Reiki Master-Marin Reiki

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